Upper Back Pain Symptoms
Upper back pain refers to any pain or dysfunction of the thoracic section of the spine. It can be anything from stiffness in the upper back to pain when taking a deep breath. For some, the pain might be mild and go away within a couple days, but for others the pain can worsen and interfere with daily tasks. You may experience upper back pain symptoms as localized tightness, throbbing, aching or sharp pain in the:
- Thoracic area of your back, in your neck or just below the neck,
- Near the lungs,
- In your arms (numbness, tingling or weakness),
- In your jaw
- You may experience a headache.
- Coughing, sneezing and breathing can be painful.
What are Common Causes of Upper Back Pain?
Upper back pain often develops gradually and involves upper back muscles, ligaments, joints and irritated nerves in the thoracic spine. Back pain in the upper back can arise from, for example:
- Poor posture (Improperly sitting for long periods behind a desk or PC)
- Repetitive motions (For example when ironing, painting, packing)
- Overuse (Working above the head e.g. painting the ceiling)
- Stressful posture
- Pregnancy
- Improper lifting technique (Sudden wrong movement)
- Accident or collision trauma (Resulting from a sport, fall, or car accident)
- Lack of exercise (Weak abdominal and back muscles)
- Obesity
Other Causes of Upper Back Pain
Some of the less common causes of thoracic back pain include an apparent physical cause:
- Thoracic herniated disc (While herniated discs in the thoracic spine are not uncommon, it is rare for one to cause pain)
- Osteoarthritis (Various types of arthritis can occur in or spread to the thoracic spine, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis)
- Compression fractures (Most commonly caused by osteoporosis in older adults, a vertebral bone can weaken and not be able to fully support the weight above it. Small fractures develop as it becomes compressed, causing postural changes which become painful)
- Fibromyalgia (While this rare condition is known for widespread pain and fatigue throughout the body, the upper back is usually affected)
- Severe spinal deformity (If a spinal deformity progresses enough, it can cause painful muscle spasms and even stress discs and joints. A few examples include Scheuermann’s kyphosis and scoliosis. Also a length difference in ones legs can be a cause)
- Bruised or broken ribs or costochondritis (a painful inflammation of the cartilage of the ribs)
- Heart malfunction (An impending heart attack can be preceded by discomfort in the upper body, discomfort in one or both arms, pain in the middle back, shoulders or neck. A spasmodic posture can lead to an inefficient blood supply to the heart)
- Numerous other causes of upper back pain exist, such as from an infection or a tumor pressing on the spinal cord
Your Upper Back Pain Treatment
Fysio Masters has a variety of treatment plans available for your upper back. With many separate joints working your upper back movements, problems happen when any joints aren’t functioning properly or in the normal position. Hands-on manual therapy manipulation of the spine aligns your musculoskeletal system, restoring mobility and allowing your body to heal. Physiotherapy aims to focus on strengthening and stretching the upper back’s muscles, as well as neck muscles above and core muscles below. Physiotherapy starts gradually and typically progresses over a period of a few weeks or months, at which point the patient can switch to a maintenance program at home.
At your first visit to our practice, one of our therapists will fully discusses your medical history and symptoms, perform a physical exam, and possibly diagnostic tests. Part of what makes the therapists at Fysio Masters so skilled, is the ability to use digital imaging with the Spinal Mouse to set a road map of where and what is not functioning correctly. Many of our patients with upper back injuries have reported the following health benefits with our physiotherapy treatments:
- Reduced pain and discomfort
- Improved posture and maintains the natural curvature of the spine
- Decreased inflammation
- Improved flexibility and range of motion
- Improved overall flexibility
Treatment Methods
Back pain treatment methods will vary according to the specific cause. It will most likely involve hands-on treatment followed by a tailored exercise program. We are a spine focused clinic, very experienced and provide the following best-in-class treatment methods to improve the speed of your recovery:
- Physiotherapy
- Manual Therapy
- Dry Needling
- Kinesio Medical Taping
- Trigger Point Massage
- Core Stability Training
- Upper Back Exercises
- Exercises to relax neck and middle back in case of pain or stiffness
Request an Appointment
If upper back pain is disrupting your life, we can help. We state-of-the -art diagnostic tools and offer evidence-based treatments to ease your pain rapidly and help prevent future injuries. Contact us for more information, or schedule online for effective relief today.
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